Sky Meadows State Park Dog Session | Delaplane, VA | Sara and Bumblebee


This was such a special dog session at Sky Meadows State Park ❤️️

Bumblebee was orphaned as a puppy at just 3 days old and brought into Sara’s workplace in a cardboard box, and it was love at first sight. Bumblebee has been by Sara’s side ever since! They went through college together, and now 14 years later she is still the perfect family dog and Sara’s best friend. After a scary vet appointment and uncertainty about how much time they have left together, Sara knew she wanted to capture some photos with her sweet pup.

Although Bumblebee isn’t as nimble as she used to be, she absolutely loved exploring Sky Meadows! The park has such beautiful trails and views, and plenty of exciting smells for a dog who loves to sniff everywhere 😂

In her first email to me Sara described Bumblebee as a “regal older lady” which I think is just the perfect way to describe her!

I absolutely loved photographing the sweet bond these two have together ❤️️