Posts tagged Surprise Proposal Photography
Stone Tower Winery Surprise Proposal | Leesburg, VA | John and Brittany

John had the perfect plan to propose to Brittany at Stone Tower Winery. He had just accepted a new job, and told Brittany that he “just needed a weekend away”…

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Surprise Proposal at Manassas Battlefield | Carolina and Eli | Manassas, VA

I’m so excited to share these sweet proposal photos for Carolina and Eli! Carolina had contacted me a couple months ago about photographing her proposal, and her plan fell into place just perfectly. She wanted to propose on their two-year anniversary…

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A Surprise Proposal on the Spanish Steps in Washington, DC | Arisa and Dickson

When Dickson contacted me about photographing his proposal to Arisa, I was so excited to be in on the surprise! He had the perfect day planned for her - they had friends visiting from out of town so Dickson was able to schedule activities without Arisa realizing anything special was going on.

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